There were two options: either to accept the current scenarios, lay on my bed rolled in a blanket all day while being miserable or find a way to do something. The only hope I had was that it is not Pakistan, it is Denmark, a welfare state. The next few days were spent applying for benefits, funds. But my application for the cash assistance was rejected. After few days of intense depression, I decided to make use of the opportunity the lockdown has provided me: Taking care of myself.
After few days, my employer--the owner of the bar—messaged the group saying we will receive our paycheck for March. I received it and I also got a refund for my bus pass. This made me realise that it was, perhaps, a blessing that I was in Denmark.
Morten, one of our coordinators, had said in one of his emails: "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." I believe this phrase has become a motto for the rest of my time in Denmark