"Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over." Normally, during a crisis, this famous Shaun of the Dead quote works perfectly, but what on earth do we do when the pubs are closed?
Jigsaws apparently. I think it's important not to spend all day staring at the screen, so I have jumped on the bandwagon and started to jigsaw-puzzle my way into trying to switch off from the constant Covid-19 coverage. And building a bit of Lego also – we are in Denmark after all.
I've been impressed by how proactive the Danish authorities have been in handling the crisis. I think the Danes themselves have responded pretty well also, I guess this is a benefit of living in a country where people like to follow rules and trust their politicians. This makes a pleasant change from the UK, with all the panic, supermarket hoarding, and police patrols. But that's what's been the hardest - being away from your family who are living in a more severely impacted country.