Sindhuri, Sri Lanka

When I first heard about the lockdown, I experienced a rush of anxiety.
About all of my neatly-ordered plans (to travel, finish my exams, spend time with loved ones before starting the next semester) had to be tossed out. But I've found so much beauty and rhythm and routine in the past few weeks, and I feel incredibly blessed to have the freedom to walk around and work out in the sun and enjoy the good weather (especially because it's really hot back home right now).

I'm enjoying sunny mornings, walking by the harbor, catching up with friends, and whenever I feel lonely, I allow myself to feel all of it. Or I ask a friend to join me for a socially-distant walk. Or I ask my classmate Pauline to come do BodyCombat with me! Here's a really blurry photo of us. Oh, and I've discovered the joy of making TikTok videos.
Sindhuri and Pauline doing socially-distanced BodyCombat

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