Natalie, Kenya/Germany

A few days before Denmark closed schools and universities, I went to Germany for a family gathering. Back then the situation didn't seem that serious to me. Within less than a week everything changed.
To avoid travelling even more, I decided not to return to Denmark, at least until classes pick up again after Easter – I guess our high hopes were a little naïve.

I needed to find a place where I could stay more permanently. Now I am back in Kiel where I did my bachelor's and am staying with friends. Seven people share the flat. So luckily, despite social distancing there is always something going on. We cook elaborate meals, plant herbs on the balconies, do Yoga in the hallway and of course try to stay focused on our schoolwork. Most of the time that is easier said than done.

I stay hopeful because I know I am not in it alone. At the same time, it worries me that half of my family is far away from me in Kenya and I have no idea what is going to happen if Corona hits hard there.
Natalie working on Analytical Journalism exam in Kiel

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