Marie, Denmark

In the past 5 weeks I've gone through 4 different phases.
First week was all shock and survival: Lots of thoughts, tears and Netflix. Week 2 was about re-activating. I had a walk scheduled almost every day. Practiced yoga for the first time in months. Cooked, read and wrote. Then came week 3 and the nearly impossible task of inventing 2 exam topics at a time when all people talked about coronavirus. And finally, week 4 and 5 had me staring at my computer for 10 hours a day, writing the AJ exam. One of the smartest decisions I've made in a while was to pick a feminist topic, as the patriarchy kept me furious enough to write an entire exam in my not-very-office-like apartment.

2020 is hardly the best time to be a Mundus student. Coronavirus keeps us apart and even has us worrying about entering the countries of our second-year universities. We only had a little more than 6 months together, before corona separated us. But during quarantine, I've experienced a new level of helpfulness and community among us. And it warms my heart to know that it takes more than a stupid virus to break us up.

Marie's balcony

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