Farid, Pakistan

Experiencing a new culture always worthy.
The special thing I found in Danish culture is they really listen to their political leaders and stay at homes. As compared to my country Pakistan, when people were told by the Prime Minister to stay at home, they didn't take it seriously as they believe, "the night in a grave can never be outside," and religious seminaries' go open with regular group prayers. The police tried their best to give awareness to the public to stay at home but the people are so stubborn. Subsequently, the army was tasked to implement the government policies to combat the spread of the virus and almost every street and road witnessed law enforcers to coercively pushing people to stay at homes and at some places, also booked, arrested and assaulted them for their own goodness.

I feel hopeful to overcome these days, though these are the toughest days in my 25-years-life. When I feel loneliness, I call my family members, friends and colleagues to stay updated and do watch series on Netflix
Farid and his mirror selfies

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